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TV Voice Pro Soundbar: Connect to any TV in just 2 minutes

We guarantee to connect to any TV, new or old!

The TV Voice Pro Soundbar can be connected to the TV via any of the below connection methods. Choose the connection method that suits you best. All necessary cables are included in the box.


We recommend connecting the TV Voice Pro Soundbar via HDMI ARC. You will find various HDMI inputs/outputs on the back of your TV; however, you must look for the HDMI audio out port with the letters ARC. This is the best connection method, and allows you to continue to use your regular TV remote to control the TV volume on the soundbar if you wish. Alternatively, you can use the included TV Voice Pro Soundbar remote control, or use the onboard volume control on the soundbar side panel.


If you have a Bluetooth TV, then you can connect straight to the TV Voice Pro Soundbar via Bluetooth. Use of the Bluetooth function means you could place the TV Voice Pro Soundbar under your TV in the regular way, or you could place your TV Voice Pro Soundbar in a different part of the room provided you have access to a power socket. By using the Bluetooth connection method, you can also continue to use your regular TV remote to control the volume of the Soundbar.

Optical Out/ Alternative Digital Connections

The TV Voice Pro Soundbar can be connected via the Optical Out option on the back of your TV. You will receive premium digital quality audio signal via the Optical Out method using the included optical cable with the TV Voice Pro Soundbar.

Analogue Connections

For those with much older TV’s fear not! You can still connect the TV Voice Pro Soundbar via the red and white audio out methods, all included in the box.

TV Voice Pro Soundbar Power

TV Voice Pro Soundbar is powered via regular connection at any Australian or New Zealand wall socket with the included TV Voice Pro power cable. The soundbar power can be turned off via the onboard soundbar side panel button, or via the TV Voice Pro Soundbar remote control.

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